Mothers of the Heart 2017

I was talking to a friend a few weeks ago.  She was telling me about how her church makes a conscious decision NOT to celebrate Mother’s Day.  It’s painful for so many- ashamedly, me included.  You see, Trey and I are suffering from infertility.  We’ve be “trying” for almost 2 years; seeing a specialist for over a year.  And while I LOVE the chance at a day to thank God for my own mother, I also weep a little sadness in the longing for my chance to be a mother.  In my heart, I know I’m created to be a mother… in God’s timing.  So that’s why thought of Mother’s Day rips the tiniest tear in my heart this year after multiple failed attempts at our own chance in my journey to motherhood.  I guess that’s why when my friend told me this… I got it.  But there’s something else that stirred inside, and it was the thought of telling my story.  And the thought of hearing other’s stories.

Don’t get me wrong, there’s nothing I love more than to focus in on the every growing bellies I encounter in this gift of a business.  Those bellies that just scream “miracle growing inside of me.”  And you see, there’s nothing I love more than to snap the beautiful photos of your newborns, to hear them coo, to watch their cute little lips pucker as though a universal language is being spoken saying, “feed me!”  You see, I take these gorgeous pictures of mom’s and their own miracles.  Truthfully, I stare at them with both envy and joy– but I know there’s more to the story.  And I thought- what if?  WHAT IF they had a chance to tell it.  What if this whole day honoring mothers really honored them?  Not just by another trip to brunch and the spa, but simply by letting them be heard; to highlight their strength as women.

And something “birthed” out of that.  This tiny little community that has me receiving all sorts of emails and messages of support, of empathy, of kindness… and who doesn’t want more kindness in our world today.  Strangers.  Seriously, STRANGERS- are reaching out to me.  And suddenly this day, this weekend didn’t turn out nearly as “meh” as I thought it would.

Guys, these women are strong.  Their strength exudes beauty.  And their hearts hold motherhood so dearly.

I’ve never been more “okay” in our waiting.  Because you see, in our waiting, we’ve met them and heard their stories of hope.  And now, you get to also…

BYP-MOH-0517-2 copyBYP-MOH-0517-3 copyBYP-MOH-0517-4 copyBYP-MOH-0517-5 copy

Read these beautiful ladies stories here:









Mothers of the Heart 2017

I was talking to a friend a few weeks ago.  She was telling me about how her church makes a conscious decision NOT to celebrate Mother’s Day.  It’s painful for so many- ashamedly, me included.  You see, Trey and I are suffering from infertility.  We’ve be “trying” for almost 2 years; seeing a specialist for over a year.  And while I LOVE the chance at a day to thank God for my own mother, I also weep a little sadness in the longing for my chance to be a mother.  In my heart, I know I’m created to be a mother… in God’s timing.  So that’s why thought of Mother’s Day rips the tiniest tear in my heart this year after multiple failed attempts at our own chance in my journey to motherhood.  I guess that’s why when my friend told me this… I got it.  But there’s something else that stirred inside, and it was the thought of telling my story.  And the thought of hearing other’s stories.

Don’t get me wrong, there’s nothing I love more than to focus in on the every growing bellies I encounter in this gift of a business.  Those bellies that just scream “miracle growing inside of me.”  And you see, there’s nothing I love more than to snap the beautiful photos of your newborns, to hear them coo, to watch their cute little lips pucker as though a universal language is being spoken saying, “feed me!”  You see, I take these gorgeous pictures of mom’s and their own miracles.  Truthfully, I stare at them with both envy and joy– but I know there’s more to the story.  And I thought- what if?  WHAT IF they had a chance to tell it.  What if this whole day honoring mothers really honored them?  Not just by another trip to brunch and the spa, but simply by letting them be heard; to highlight their strength as women.

And something “birthed” out of that.  This tiny little community that has me receiving all sorts of emails and messages of support, of empathy, of kindness… and who doesn’t want more kindness in our world today.  Strangers.  Seriously, STRANGERS- are reaching out to me.  And suddenly this day, this weekend didn’t turn out nearly as “meh” as I thought it would.

Guys, these women are strong.  Their strength exudes beauty.  And their hearts hold motherhood so dearly.

I’ve never been more “okay” in our waiting.  Because you see, in our waiting, we’ve met them and heard their stories of hope.  And now, you get to also…

BYP-MOH-0517-2 copyBYP-MOH-0517-3 copyBYP-MOH-0517-4 copyBYP-MOH-0517-5 copy

Read these beautiful ladies stories here:









Our passion is family. In a world that is fast-paced and ever changing, it is truly a gift for us to offer our families laid back time for joy and love with one another! It's our job to behold that special love in all of its glory. It's our pure honor to capture these beautiful moments and create forever memories that need no words.